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Dieng Temple

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Do you know dieng Temple? Dieng Temple is located in the area of accurately in Java, Indonesia, twngah Temple, Dieng plateau is a group of temple located at the foot of the Dieng plateau, Wonosobo, Central Java. The Dieng Temple occupies the plain at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level, extending North-South for about 1900 m long with a width of 800 m.
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A collection of Indonesian Hindu temples of Shiva which is expected to be built between the end of the 8th century until the beginning of the 9th century this is the oldest temple allegedly in Java. Until recently undiscovered information written on the history of Temple, Dieng plateau, but experts estimate that the collection of this temple was built under the patronage of the Kings of the House of Sanjaya. In the Dieng plateau is found an inscription dated 808 M, which is the oldest stele bearing the old Javanese letters, which is still extant today. A Statue of Shiva are found in this region are now stored in the National Museum in Jakarta. The construction of the temple, Dieng plateau is estimated to take place in two stages. The first phase of which took place between the end of the 7th century up to the first quarter of the 8th century, includes the construction of the temple Candi Semar, Arjuna, Candi Candi Srikandi and Gatutkaca. The second phase is a continuation of the first phase, which lasted to about 780 M.

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Dieng Temple first be retrieved in 1814. When it was a United Kingdom army who were visiting the area saw a group of temple, Dieng plateau submerged in a pool of water pools. In 1956, Van Kinsbergen led efforts drying pools where the collection of the temple. Cleaning effort followed by Netherlands East Indies Government in 1864, followed by recording and filming by Van Kinsbergen.
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Dieng Temple complex area of approximately 1.8 x 0.8 km2. Temples at Dieng Temple area are divided into 3 groups and 1 temple that stands on its own, which was named after the name of a character in the story who was adopted from The puppet Mahabarata. Third Temple groups are groups of Arjuna, groups, groups of Dwarawati Gatutkaca and one stand-alone Temple is a temple of Bhima.

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