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Cartenz Pyramid

 Carstensz Pyramid
Natural exotica papua did not end forever. There are still many mysteries of the beauty that exists on the island's eastern most tip of Indonesia. Call it the Raja Ampat Islands are not less great, with many historical relics and the beauty of their ecosystems. From the seas that exist in kepualaun Raja Ampat, saves a lot of beauty to researched and explored.Not to mention the unique traditions of the communities of orang asli papua who are already well-known higga abroad. Bird species are feathery, only existed in Irian jaya or West papua. Red fruit, which is effective for treating a wide range of penytakit, there are also there. The beauty of the archipelago do indeed matchless.

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Indonesia should be elated at the uniqueness and richness of nature as well as the masayarakatnya tradition. One is the Carstenz Pyramid or commonly known as puncak jaya, also in Papua. If you are a true adventurer definitely won't miss this adventurous puncak jaya, Carstensz Peak is the highest peak in Australia and Oceania. Why not in Asia? Because of the highest peaks in Asia had been held in the Himalayan Mountains that is on the border of India and China, top of Carstensz Pyramid has 4884 m altitude above sea level (16023 ft). Its location is at 04 ° 04.733 137 ° E and 09.572. Carstensz Pyramid, or called by the Puncak Jaya by some, and Puncak Jaya Kesuma or Jaya Kesuma called only by some others, located west of the central highland called the Jayawijaya mountains and with Sudirman. And the only tropical glaciers in Indonesia, which most likely will soon disappear due to global warming.

The name is derived from its discoverer Cartensz i.e. a sailor from Netherlands, John Carstensz, which saw the presence of mountain peaks covered by ice at the equator of the country. In 1623 Carstensz preach the snow mountain on the equator but no one believes her statement. John Carstensz was the first European to see the Summit with his own Cartensz.

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